Comments : Black. Blue. White.

  • 13 years ago

    by Sylvia

    You correct ABUSE IS NOT OKAY PERIOD!!! Yes I am shouting that and have been for years. Worked with a shelter for abused women and although I know all the reasons, why it happens, etc., have been a victmn myself. It needs to stop and unless enough voices are raised to bring it out into the open that will never happen. And please know that it is not limited to male on female.

  • 13 years ago

    by Acoustic Odyssey

    The title of this piece of course pulled me in. Powerful sadness stains each word, a truth that rots this world today. It pains me so, that some people feel the need to hurt others by word of mouth or action. Because of their insecurities, inabilities, their past or to prove something to others. The message in your words ring loud inside my heart. I loved the way you used the three colors to represent different stages of absuse. And to end each stanza with the certain color, was powerful.

    "freedom is a fictitious
    thought used only to
    avoid suicide"
    ^These lines hit me so hard, very thought provoking...are we ever truly free, or is it just an illusion, to keep society from turning against high powers?

    Giving a voice to those, who are either afraid or can't speak, is truly kind hearted of you. A heart wrenching poem, affected me greatly. Brilliant work!
    Take care

  • 13 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    Didnt thought what this title would be having under it but once i started to was hard to even blink.
    Very impressive indeed.
    Abuse of any kind to anyone is unacceptable.

    all the best and take care

  • 13 years ago

    by Jad

    I am glad you wrote about this! This topic is such a touchy one that people try to avoid but it doesn't need to be avoided, it needs to be attacked head on and have something done about it. The abusing of anyone, male or female, is wrong and I find anyone who could do such a thing a terrible and unforgivable person. Back to your poem, the words are very touching and I find it quite graphic but it is good too show the reality of this subject. I like how you broke this poem in three parts, dealing with three types of abuse and I find you describe them each well and you keep them filled with emotion and sadness that many feel when reading this or for those who can sadly relate.

    I couldn't find one line I liked the most as they all stood out to me and I think they are equally important topics and should all be given the same thought and attention. You speak of a great sadness and it breaks my heart with what you have written.

    All in all, I am very glad you wrote this and I am glad to see you saying something about all the abuse that happens. I hope one day we can eradicate all the hurt forever. Anyway, a great poem with a sad, need to be heard message. Also deep emotions with imagery make a good touch. Great job and keep writing!

  • 13 years ago

    by No1ButMe

    Dear Nik,

    I am for one so thankful that you are standing up for those who have been abused. Unfortuneatly, I would fall under that. I loved how you used the same opening line 'how did I get here?' In my situation I often wondered that myself. Abuse is not something to tread lightly on, so it's amazing the turn out of this piece. The colors were a nice touch, since there are several forms of abuse. But just know this poem has really touched me, speaking from a survivor standpoint. Thank you for giving me a voice, it's nice to know someone hears it. 5/5.
    Simply Amazing!!!!


  • 13 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    Abuse is never OKAY no matter what nor is it
    an excuse and there are so many who are
    afraid to voice out their fear and I hope that
    society will wake up to this and put an end!!
    A strong and sad write...take care.

  • 13 years ago

    by Cindy

    What a eye opening piece. Abuse of any kind is never ok. Some people are stuck and have no where else to go. Or are ashamed to speak out. They don't want anyone else to know of the situation they are trapped in. Sometimes they believe what they are living in is better then what else is there for them.
    Very sad.
    Excellent job!
    Love Cindy

  • 13 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    Everything I needed or wanted to say has really already been said, just a fantastic poem. I haven't been on here in like 4 months haha I missed your work! Well done 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    This poem has a very powerful message that was well delivered

  • 13 years ago

    by Jenna Bella Oldridge

    I think you did well with this as abuse is a hard topic to take on. Because abuse effects everyone differently its hard to put into words yet you did it. I am kind of taken aback by this piece and your descriptions. I have to applaused you
