
by Sunshine   Apr 23, 2011

A cactus bathing amidst the pale drought that's
featuring its arid surrounding, except that the
thorns guarding my skin hurts no stranger as
wholly as they harm me.

A fortune hunter that spends her time looking
for mislaid treasures resting down at the navy
bed of the deep bottom, although I too am lost,
-but- there are no hunters looking for me.

A broken lock that lays speckled at the entry
of a certain abandoned house, I represent
it's story, and visibly in return the main scene
of the house represents me...

And sometime, just sometimes,
I become nothing further than "a me".

by:Rania Moallem


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  • 13 years ago

    by Jad

    Nana, this poem completely blew me away and I was taken away with your words and how they easily spoke to me and how I could see that some of things you wrote about could apply to me. Many emotions were lined into this poem. I felt sadness and pain as I read through your lines and there were also emotions of content but then they are crushed with desire. The poem itself was really great and the message went right along with the poem. The flow was kept constant throughout the piece and the imagery you describe is very easy to picture.

    "A cactus bathing amidst the pale drought that's
    featuring its arid surrounding, except that the
    thorns guarding my skin hurts no stranger as
    wholly as they harm me."

    Can I say that this has to be one of the most creative and most powerful openings in a poem that I have read in a long time. The end of the poem where you actually describe being in solitude with your metaphor really took me away and I am so moved with how you wrote it into effectiveness and creativity. I am glad to see that you are ever increasing with you ways in which you write your metaphors and lines.

    All in all, you have written another sad poem that took me heart and rended it. Your words pill desire and heartache and you are able to write them down into this poems that are top notch. I hope to see you use your talent and creativity to this effectiveness again! Great job and keep writing.

  • 13 years ago

    by Britt

    I feel like this was a bit more "guarded" than your normal poetry. Here I can't really tell exactly what it is you're trying to say in the way I can usually grasp your others. I think you have a lot of thoughts here and they almost feel poetically jumbled because of so much confusion about who you are? I'm not sure...but it sounds like it would be intentional, and the way I come about that, I really like the piece even more than I did before, LOL.

    The third stanza for me was the strongest of the poem. It painted a very strong and secure picture, even though there was a broken lock and you represent what represents you...again that poetically jumbled confusion but it makes so much sense when you take everything in as a whole. I think it's this stanza that the piece really, truly comes together and packs a powerful punch :)

    Amazing write, Nana! I love this one.

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