Comments : Versus The World: Part 1 [free write]

  • 13 years ago

    by Sylvia

    Full of hope and positive thinking and with that attitude you will go far. Well done.

  • 13 years ago

    by Jad

    A poem packed with emotions about someone you love and obviously you are ready to good to any lengths for this person. The poem speaks in a very positive sense and though it list some bad things it only serves to show that you can overcome them with this person by your side. The poem itself flowed nicely and the structure wasn't that bad either. Your message was powerful and you got it clear across what this person means to you.

    In all, you have done a wonderful job with this poem and your words are truly from the start and I would have to say this is one of your better love poems. You have a talent and it is good to see that you are trying to form it into something grand. Great job and keep writing.

  • 13 years ago

    by Cindy

    I think with love on your side you can accomplish anything :)
    Good job!

  • 13 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    If and when life is filled with difficulties, there
    is always that one person in your life that
    can help you to overcome. Anything seems
    possible to achieve in life! This poem says
    it all mixed with negative as well as positive
    side of life...good write!