In My World

by Apple   Jun 20, 2004

I am not beautiful nor talented
they say you are one or the other
which did i get?

i am not smart nor brave
i am not skinny
and i don't have legs for days

i sleep late and I'm not a sure person
sometimes i can't concentrate
and i always have some stupid question

i talk too much and I'm ashame of being me
i look in the mirror and hate what i see

i cry too much, and i have low self-esteem
i lie to myself making things different than they seem

when it hurts the most, i say i don't care
my heart can't talk the cold, and the pain is hard to bare

I'm confused with my thoughts
these words sometimes don't make it out
because my head is spinning out of control
and thats without a doubt

i worry too much
and I'm afraid of my shadow
i stay awake at night
looking at the walls for hours

I've questioned my world, and the people in it
i question myself, my love, my enemy

you see, nothing ever works out the way it should for me
in my world, nothing is as it seem


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