She hides the pain she goes through,
Home is like a war zone,
All she sees and hears is beatings after beatings and yelling,
The only place she feels safe is school,
She looks at me and smiles and walks away,
On the outside she looks good but inside I know she is just screaming,
Screaming for help,
Screaming for comfort,
Someone to just be there for her,
But everyday she does not say anything about it,
She just acts like nothing is wrong,
And there is nothing anyone can do about it,
Because she thinks if she does tell someone about it,
That something bad will happen to her,
She is scared,
She does not know what to do,
I know what she is thinking,
I can see it all in her eyes,
She is screaming for someone to save her,
Hell was a place called home for her,
Now there is no one to save her,
No one to help her,
No one to protect her,
No one to keep her safe,
No one to tell that its okay,
Because she is gone.