Comments : Free

  • 13 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Today I took off my mask.
    This a great start. It immediately stirs curiosity and makes me wonder why? Why the need for the mask?

    Felt the sun,
    This is great imagery. I feel like I am stood along side you. Both of us gazing up and allowing the sun's glow to warm and rejuvenate.

    as it touched my bare skin.

    Breathed in life,
    Not sure if a comma is needed to show that your skin breathed in life? Between 'touched' and 'my' - just an idea.

    with each pore.
    I absolutely love how these three word stand alone. It really emphasises the power of this life being drawn in. FYI each human has on average 4 million pores!!!

    And something deep inside

    of my being began to sing.

    Finally free,

    after all these years.

    Today I took off my mask.
    I imagine an energy force beating again after being in a coma for many years.

    This sounds like a poem about re-awakening after a period of quiet, probably following a painful experience?

    Nice touch ending with the line that you started with. :)

    Well done - an enjoyable read. (hugs) x

  • 13 years ago

    by Kiko

    This is a nice poem about catharsis, and I can tell it is not just a piece of fiction. :)

    I would suggest shortening the title to just ^Free^ and lose a couple of those commas, which interrupt the flow.

    Very nicely penned!

  • 13 years ago

    by Sincuna

    "Finally free
    after all these years."

    ^ you should have emphasized this in your early lines because feeling the "touch of sun" in your skin is not enough to tell the tale of the speaker.

    Share us how it would make someone like the speaker feel. If one writes from the point of view of a man imprisoned for 30years, a cross in the street might feel like balancing between a tightrope without a safety net.

    Give suspense, give more experience other than a rusty image.
    "And something deep inside
    of my being began to sing."
    ^ if you can't sing us the song, might as well jump to the emotion it brings. I think, as the writer, you know what the speaker "feels", what you are responsible for is taking this feeling and matching it up to another experience that gives off this similar feeling and word it into poetry.

    Good luck. Its never easy writing short poems. But they're fun.

    suggested reading: "in the morning" by Sonya Sones

  • 13 years ago

    by Liz

    A freeing poem to read, indeed. We all need to take off our masks every now and again. I miss you guys, and I miss writing. Love you, you're always in my thoughts :)


  • 13 years ago

    by mandy

    When I read this I got the mental image of a pale face shining in the sun, eyes bright and seeing the light in which felt like forever.

    Your words are an inspiring art!

    Keep writing, and thank you for always commenting on my poems :)


  • 13 years ago

    by LJ Roodt

    Love it Ingrid

    A peaceful short and powerful at the same time.

    Like your choice of words.

    Well done 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by Cinnamonspice

    This was inspiring , we all seem to wear a mask for the purpose of others seeing us differently, or maybe just to make ourselves feel better. idk
    But this was a blessing to me today especially. Time to find the courage to take off my mask

  • 13 years ago

    by Robert Gardiner

    Exquisitely Penned!!! Great Job Ingrid!!!

  • 13 years ago

    by yogi73

    Lovely! I could feel the years of burden lifted when the mask comes off. so much said in this well done poem.

  • 13 years ago

    by anand singh

    Beautifully penned.An enjoyable read.Paul...

  • 13 years ago

    by L

    Short and sweet! (sweet as in cool)

    I wish i could write poems as short as this one yet with so much meaning. People can make their own interpretations but it will lead to one thing freedom of oneself.

  • 13 years ago

    by christopher

    Ingrid well done so few words and yet a deepness to your poetry i commend you again on "here i am"

  • 12 years ago

    by Steven Beesley

    Very thought provoking words and deep in their meaning. Beautifully penned and such a joy to read. The timing and flow is good.

  • 12 years ago

    by East Poetry

    NICE!... so great how optimistic you are about what some people sulk over for months. You are very head strong. I can wait to see the ways you view nature, and the world now that your mask is off. and how it reflects in your poetry.

  • Firstly, I both loved and hated the way you used the first line as the last line also. ('Today I took off my mask.') I will explain my indecision and opinion.
    Loved it because..
    It reiterated the fact that you were at last liberated (as the title suggests) by finally removing the mask that hid you - and this is a very important element/line to the poem.
    Hated it because...
    I felt like it didnt have quite the explosive impact it did at the end as I knew it should.

    ^^ completely personal opinion though, nothing is actually wrong with your using it this way.

    Felt the sun,

    as it touched my bare skin.

    Breathed in life

    with each pore.

    ^^ you have described the first feelings of freedom so simplistically, yet so beautifully. Whilst reading it, I felt as though I was by your side feeling the same sensations as you have described.

    And something deep inside

    of my being began to sing.

    ^^ your soul finally awakening to the beauty that it was hidden from because of the mask you wore. It not only shielded others from seeing the real you, but it blocked the beauty that surrounded you - a double punishment almost.

    Finally free

    after all these years.

    ^^ that would have been the most beautiful yet scary moment of your life. Beautiful because you finally wear no mask to shield you from them and them from you - you are who you are and they must just accept. But also scary because of that inkling of doubt and fear that had you wear that mask in the first place.

    Overall, a really fantastic poem. I am glad that, if this poem is indeed true, you are content with your choice of removing that mask, and that it has been better and easier a transition than you would have expected.


  • 12 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    This is beautiful and I love it.
    Taking off my maks, and feeling the sun
    on my bare skin.
    It sounds like a big weight has been lifted
    of our shoulder and finally we can breathe

  • 12 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Thank you all for your thoughful and helpful comments. The poem is about my decision to no longer hide my face underneath a thick layer of makeup (I have a rare skin condition, so my skin looks a litte strange and spotted without it) and about being true to my self. True to what I really am deep down inside. I stopped being a pleaser and started to fight for me, I became my own best friend, so to say:)

  • 9 years ago


    Beautiful work Ingrid! So loved reading this!
    Love the - 'And something deep inside
    of my being began to sing.' What great words here!!
    Nicely all put together. Who needs makeup anyway?
    You certainly don't.