
by Mxreborn   May 16, 2011

*sorry that this is quite long. Hope u guys like it

There i was,seated in class like the many.
Not even remotely amused by the teacher,
As she went on with her lecture.
I looked outside the window beside me,
My mind wandered as i admired nature's beauty...

Showers of minuscule flowers fell
As heart-shaped leaves rustled and swaying along the summer breeze.
My eyes then looked up at the clear blue sky,
~And oh, how it clears the mind of this sickly boredom...~
Then, a being coming in towards my range of vision,
It was a bird;Soaring the open skies signifying its freedom,
As though it was free from bondage...

Coming back to my senses,
I looked around me, trying to realized what I've missed through the lost of time.
But alas,the vision of mine was focused on someone.
A girl as i would say.
But to me, she wasn' just a girl...
A flawless red rose,
Living among the whites.
As she's the only one,
That makes my heart skip a beat
But she doesn't know of this,
And how this pains me...

I resumed my admiration of that girl,
Her hair was an ecstasy.
A twilight in Venice was of nothing,
Compared to the tone of her straight hair shone under the sunlight.
An 'art of nature' as i would say...

Then,(an event occurred as i would never expect),
She turned around...
Her eyes met mine.

She looked at me with those green eyes.
How I've longed for this day...
Her eyes sparkle,like the stars i see every night...
~Oh, those eyes...~~
I cant predict those emotions gushing out from her eyes,
That moment was a torture...
~~What are her eyes telling me??
Anger? hatred?? anxiety? or

I tried to look away,
But i couldn' hand moving slower than the clock' knees shaking...a bead of sweat running down my face,
~Was this an act of God or merely Lucifer's?~
She then smiled, as though satisfied with the state I'm in,
And looked the other way...
Abruptly, i felt my soul forcefully entering my empty vessel.
My heart beating once again,
Without the knife that was stabbed through it not a moment ago,
Yet the chains of bondage still surrounds it.

Then a sound, which was audible to others, rang.
It was the bell...
The day has ended...
The others left the classroom and soon followed by the girl.
I slowly started packing my bags and stared out the window for one last glance...
Those birds soaring through the clear skies,
Chirping its melody with such freedom as though nothing was ever wrong,
~~How i envy them!!~~
Just once, I wished I was a bird,
Having my own wings to soar the never-ending skies that belonged only to me,
To signify and show the world of,
My freedom...


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