Just Another Day

by Mxreborn   May 16, 2011

We were walking side by side along the beach,
And the warm Caribbean air blew against my face.
The sun was setting against the horizon,
And it looked like a sea of molten gold.

Her sweet smelling perfume was ecstasy to the mind.
My legs sunk into the sand as the salty air stung my eyes,
And water sprayed onto my face,
And a cold feeling swept over me.
I dredged my leg out and we continued walking...

The crash of the waves were mirroring the beats of my heart.
My legs felt like lead, i could walk no more.
We stopped and stared at the horizon.

All these years i have kept my feelings for her sealed within me.
And now, it seemed that it was all going to burst out.
I sweated like a stallion, my heart beating faster than ever.
Those "3 words" were at the tip of my tongue...
But suddenly, she looked into my eyes and gave me a hug,
and she said " thanks... for being my friend..."
And gave me a smile.

I painfully swallowed back those words that i have longed to say,
And assured her with a weak smile
~How i wish u were mine~
I then realize that we were meant to be...only as friends
Then her friends called out for her within a distance,
And she walked away.

And there i was,
sharing the horizon with no one but me and my tainted soul.
To me, all this was now or never,
But to her,
It was just another day...


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