
by Toni   Jun 21, 2004

Every moonlit summer night
that stirs my thoughts inside
Alone, I struggle with my fight
Swayed by a tearful tide

A tide that washes over me
Plunged into the deep
Cascading shadows no one can see
Cause me here to weep

Weep away my stale sorrow
As I sit and sway
Begging for a new tomorrow
A new hopeful day

A day where no tears do fall
Upon soft moistened cheeks
Sitting on a sharp stone wall
Hearing my fate speak

A day when I at last awake
Free from depths of pain
No more smiles to try and fake
No more crimson stains

A day when I can open my eyes
To find it's all a dream
The depression, rows, and hurtful lies
That tore me at the seams

A nightmare and nothing more
No broken family
No arguements, and no slammed doors
No reality

A day so full of laughs and smiles
Filled with endless love
A family united eventually
..In the clouds above..

Please comment if u cud, thanku xxxxxxxx


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