Lost Without You

by chyleen lopez   May 24, 2011

Though I’m full of disgrace….
This world is still my oyster….
Even though I don’t feel protected,
You seem to know just the right words to say…

I’m lost without you….

I knew how to solve my problems
But now my life is undefined….
But when we osculate….
It seems like my life just untwined….

I’m lost without you….

My life is like a cage,
Trapped with no way of escape.
You look at me struggling,
When you have a problem with your ego.

I’m still lost without you….

I’m dumb and stupid
Because I never read the label with the
Warning signs….
And then I feel your poison running through my system….
Either way I’m lost without you….
Because with you love is blind…
And so am I,

I'm Lost Without You


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