Cracked ceilings stare at blank damp walls
Patterns of plaster...shrivelled...hanging limp
by dusty silken cobweb threads
discoloured and dried
In time to odd moments
Patchworks on the floorboards
A sound shatters the stillness
Startling the silence of it's gaunt tomb
where in unused hallways hang chandeliers
that once coruscated light but now...
glitter no more
Desolate and empty space
pervading the shadows of age...uninhibited
The old house...cradle of love and life
decays to ruin
Falling to death through traverse of years
Many winter moons have waned
since life stalked these rooms
The last aged widow
ran her course of life here
She...the last soul
Alone and lonely...awaiting the cloak of eternity
Friends called in her younger days
Days passing in a whirl of life
Laughter and talk...the food of love
Fires ablaze through the darkened times
beacons to the family core
Flame shadows on papered walls
danced to the musics of life
In lighted days the sunlight sheened
and breezes with the scents of wildness
flowed through airy rooms
Then time
the master of all
left a mark
Age claiming happiness
Grandchildren who came on holidays
growing to stifled adulthood
Other pleasures borrowed time
The old woman...and a once proud house
left behind to die
That was a time of long ago
Forgotten now
even memories have departed
Nature by it's stealth of life
aiding decay
The heart now laid to deathly peace
This once proud and regal house
slowly dies it's death