Heres to....

by Just Me   Jun 2, 2011

I dream of you,
though I tell myself I don't.
I think of you often but,
deny myself your comfort.
I closed my eyes when he kissed me,
because I knew he wasn't you.
Now, as I write... I think bout our last fight,
how could we have loved and lost so much.
I am trying to move on my sweet love,
in fact I do try hard enough.
I look at only one other,
to you he seems like family,
he's as close to you as a brother.
I know it's not right,
I started falling for your best friend after we parted,
He was here the whole time you weren't,
listened to my words,
like he heard my voice,
here's to him,
the man I secretly Crush upon.
And here's to you,
because you set me free to find love,
with another.


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