O'Gentle Love

by yogi73   Jun 11, 2011

O'Gentle love have I finally realized thee?
Across the vast I searched. Never understanding the treasure,
I knew love not. Impetuously casting notions on the
field where beauty lies. Blotting the fertile pasture with
the cheap trick, the frivilous thrills of youth.
A thing must take root before it shall grow.
O'Gentle love, when will the prize be mine?
Winter darkens the resting field abiding till spring.
Seasons pass, we seldom notice how we have not, love's flame
seldom dies, only proved, pulled blue by suffering winds.
O'Gentle love bringing light to the dark hollow,
lightly pulling forth what is stronger than I, stronger than thou.
Beginnings of the all. Beginnings of the ever.
What was sown cannot be cast aside, woe the
untended shall not harvest. Not serendipity that
will lead us thru the grief that love endures.
Roots grow deep into heart and bones that entwine into one.
The giants of the forest waver not the light breeze, for what has
been rendered cannot be sundered. The farthest reaches
upon the earth shall not keep apart
The true treasure is not the gold that gleams,
but the strength of your love.
O'Gentle love has given me thine heart.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Let It Be

    I wish i had a gentle love.

  • 12 years ago

    by NobodyKnowsItButMe

    Beautiful poem...imagery, emotions and all! Well done!

  • 12 years ago

    by Amreen

    Lovely... I like this piece.... Like a song:)
    Good piece:)

  • 12 years ago

    by Lynn Anderson

    Your style of writing, is unique, beautiful, and your own. Your imagery! Ahh, breath o fresh air!

  • 12 years ago

    by Lynn Anderson

    Your style of writing, is unique, beautiful, and your own. Your imagery! Ahh, breath o fresh air!

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