Soliloquy for the World

by Thomas Pender   Jun 16, 2011

I stand now cold on the World's stage
facing this great sky of lights
who now sees me here
as the final curtain rises
Where be I now
with the final scene not penned
and all the World's pain spins
my very soul seared
by man's befouling desecrations
I stand and feel alone
Voice small in the clamour of greed
these lines unheard by any
falling on a mourning wind

And will you stand in tune with me
on this last and forever day
We can stride the stage together
Raising our voices high
in poetic lamentation
I still stand with soul vanquished
lost in this shredded moment's glare
I watch a World tarnished
by humanity's unfeeling stain
A sheen of greed pervading
rushing like ice on the wind
I await the spotlight's turn
to bathe my shadowed heart

you are here with me
and my fears are calmed
who will take the pen
and write the final scene
can I.................


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