My RollerCoaster Ride </3

by EmoButterfly   Jun 20, 2011

Who said we should pick up the pieces of the tracks to this roller coaster ride?

I know i sure in the hell didn't say that, I would rather die!

You torture me so slowly and you kill me from the inside.

I sewed your hands onto my heart so it would always be in the right.

I could never give it away again so why don't you keep it as a good luck charm?

It's not like I could ever have A use for it anymore...

Tell me, why do you want to change your mind? It's too late now to save my life.

So what more can you gain? What more can you possibly break?

All you did for me was give me A headache and A sore throat from all the damn crying!

I'm done crying over something that doesn't even exist,

Maybe it never even did...?

All that was will never be again, i promise!

Since you want to leave me here like this then don't bother coming back to my feet.

All we ever did was confuse each other and hide everything from one another.

Disappointment! All the changes! Both of these ruined everything we had...

Is there no chance for redemption?

You say it won't work out but all i say is did even in the first place?

I am praying it did! I am praying that everything was real.

All i can do is fall from all the times, All you can do is push me off my cloud 9!

That's why I'm falling anyhow! All the trusting issues and the fights...

Was it ever really real...? I wonder if it is...

Was this roller coaster ride ever A true bliss?

Could i have really been in love with someone like you...?

You were perfect to me but every time i turned around that was all i could see!

So what proof was there to prove it wasn't meant to be...?

Oh no! Everything is falling and I can't stop the impact of the ground!

I'm falling faster each second as gravity takes its toll.

All I can do is let everything go.

I need to stop trying to hold on to everything!

I need to stop trying to fix my fall and just sing myself to sleep.

At least if I'm asleep when I hit the ground, I won't feel anything at all...

So darling look me in the yes and tell me the truth.

Was this roller coaster ride anything more than A game to you...?



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