In your hands ~

by Yakari Gabriel   Jun 20, 2011

Take off your back
all the weight that comes along
With human thoughts,
things that make your eyelids heavy
and keep you from seeing that
reality is anything but realistic

Plant upon your hands strength
not only to pick yourself up
but to pick up those around you

never give weakness
the power to get beneath your skin
and invade your mind
like the sea invades the land

search for what is profound
above that which is absurd

accept that destiny is a joke,
that nothing is written
if the pen knows no movement

learn to appreciate what
is worthless
because it is exactly what
is worthy

inhale and exhale
all the things that
aren't malicious
and one day you'll have,

The world in your hands.


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  • 13 years ago

    by Daisy if you do

    What a profound message derived from this very enlightening piece full of wisdom. Marvelous job.

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