Before I Close My Eyes...

by Ross H Bruce   Jun 27, 2011

I close my eyes and see you
in my dreams and my desires.
Even though we broke up
you're still in my mind.
My witness is my angel
who guides me from above
and makes me who I am
a heartbroken fool in love.
You were my friend then a lover
who was with me when I was lost
and shed your tears with passion
of your soul and precious heart.
But silly me I did not foresee it
the expectation I could not give.
Then you tried to forget it
but your soul could not forgive.
The major flaw in my heart
who wishes a thousand times
to share our passion once again
before I close my eyes.


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  • 13 years ago

    by retha

    Let lost be forgivven
    for their return is not always a givven.
    Pray then for a silent day
    without the shouts of birds of prey.
    I wish my arms could fold around
    and keep your nightmares at bay.
    Colour your life with the bloom of a sunny day.