I Still Care. [song]

by simply southern   Jul 5, 2011

You make it hard to trust you.
You make it hard to care.
You act like you don't know me
Your never really there.

You yell at me in front of people,
You always cuss and swear,
You never say you love me,
But baby I still care.

Lying all the time,
Watching me cry.
Running my life.
Your so hard to satisfy.

Day after day, I wonder what went wrong.
Your not the guy I fell in love with,
Our love used to be so strong.

I pick up after you,
I always clean your mess,
If you only knew the stress..
You put on me, then maybe you'd understand how I feel.

I... Don't... Get... Why... You...
You make it hard to trust you.
You make it hard to care.
You act like you don't know me
Your never really there.

You yell at me in front of people,
You always cuss and swear,
You never say you love me.

So why do I still care???


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Latest Comments

  • 13 years ago

    by RedDragon

    What an amazing song I like it!


  • 13 years ago

    by Jon914

    This reminds me how I acted towards my first girlfriend when I was younger. Although I dont think we had any real future...I wish I wasn't such a D i c k. good poem

  • 13 years ago

    by Iris

    Wow, this is really good! thats a really great job! definately a 5

  • 13 years ago

    by Iris

    Wow, this is really good! thats a really great job! definately a 5

  • 13 years ago

    by Sparkling snow flake

    Nice song!
    I used to song write ages ago and I found the structure the hardest thing to follow but I really like the structure you created.