The Girls of the Streets

by The Poet Behind The Poems   Jul 9, 2011

This is a poem about the dangers of prostitution if you are in anyway affected easily by this i advise that you do not read thank you.

Sitting alone listening to the emptiness in my life
It's not safe out there I wish she thought twice
"I saw this coming it was an unwanted prediction
Working the dark streets just to feed her addiction"

Every night girls work these streets alone
Nothing to protect them, just a mobile phone
She gets into a car and lightly closes the door
Will we see her again? "I'm not so sure"

Just twelve hours later she was local news
Murdered in cold blood, seriously abused
The horror she must have gone through felt so much pain
Something needs to be done to stop this happening again

"My daughter is gone she will never be freed
But I hope writing this could help a girl in need
Please get out of this life, let your self escape
Please get off the streets before its too late".


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  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    This is so real, it unfortunately happens quite often, more than we probably even know about. It's so sad how some girls feel so low in their life they turn to prostitution to get by or to just feel something, and then some have no choice, they get caught up in a prostitution ring and have no way out... breaks my heart. Anyway, this is a great, powerful poem. Great job. 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by The Poet Behind The Poems

    Somone hacked my aoount n posted tht comment sorry

  • 13 years ago

    by A lonely soul

    So sad, so real, so preventable. If the entire world got together and made it illegal, so many of innocent lives will be protected. Flesh trade in some countries just reminds us all nomads living in modern society.

  • 13 years ago

    by The Poet Behind The Poems

    I got aides

  • 13 years ago

    by kimara4955

    This is amazing hun, its so true yet so sad, so many people prefer to turn a blind eye on the traggic lives some girls live, i've never read anything like this, beautifully written and such a powerful message, i hope this poem saves lives, its got the potential too. fantastic work hun.
    take care

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