Like a shooting star

by The Po whet   Jul 9, 2011

Long time ago when i knew you not,
life for me was much austere,
back then in my mind was a tranquil atmosphere,
with little to fret about and contemplate,
but now my world is changing fast beyond my will to capacitate,
and like a blind man i'm being led into this life,whose destiny is misty for me to decipher.

then came you the fairy,
only with a single wand of your magic stick,
you awakened me from my deep slumber,
now i can see my future being rosy,
but i'm cautious and conscientious not to be so hasty,
lest i squander this opportunity fate has brought thee with.

the serene beauty you bear,
is ideal and that's my swear,
with you i'll walk down the prominade,
for you i'll sing a seranade,
a sweet melody i'll sing for thee,much better than the nightingale of the night.

no more will i despair,
for with a glimps on you my hope is rekindled,
what more am i to wish for?
no more will i hold a wish,
cause you complete my wishes just like a shooting star.


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  • 13 years ago

    by Cinnamonspice

    This is really based on a beautiful thought and emotion. It's an inspiring poem of hope , enjoyable read