Your Stubborn Lies

by Su   Jul 11, 2011

Fade within where the shadows lie
Gone beyond the absence of love
Even the brightest moments cried
Drowning me with silent replies

Crashing down again, was the sky
Disappointment and anger collides
Lies are what forgiveness tried to hide
Your coldness buried me alive

The day never came for you and I
Even time itself, had to wait
Love never wanted to bid goodbye
Yet here i am, alone inside

Don't blame me for I had tried
To understand every part of your life
Soon enough, you'll find a better guy
Who'll comprehend your stubborn lies



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  • 12 years ago

    by Shifzy

    Keep writing. you write awesome :)

  • 13 years ago

    by Rachit Bhanage

    Simply Awesome !
    Its absolutely 5/5 frm me...!

  • 13 years ago

    by Lofallenve

    Superior poem. I can relate to this as well, for I know someone like this. You are a fantastic writer. :)

  • 13 years ago

    by BrokenWingAng3L

    Your poems always amazes me. Every time I feel like I can relate to the words. Love it, don't stop writing~

  • 13 years ago

    by Dark Shadows

    Enjoyed the flow and the ease with which you penned the darker feelings.Lies hurt,when spoken by our beloveds'.But,if the love is deep and true,forgiveness comes easy.