You without me?..
That was never meant to be.
We were like Pb& jay,
You kept me going every day.
I told you once that I'd love you forever,
That's a promise! Break it? Never.
If I tell you otherwise?
Simple, lies, all lies.
I never realized I needed you so much,
But now that we are out of touch..
I feel like a rainbow with no hue,
Oh my god, I really lost you.
I wish you knew how I feel!
This waking nightmare should be unreal.
Just read what I write,
But you'll never. Not even tonight.
What of your words? The promise you broke?
But I guess a promise ain't a promise until it's spoke.
I'm done, that's all, but please, please know..
I'm here for you! Rain, sleet, hail or snow.