It Is With The Light

by Katherine   Jul 23, 2011

It is with the thankfulness of persons that we shall see ourselves fit towards our fault,

it is with the greatness of inventions that we pull up towards what we seem to lay down as a result

it is with the opaqueness of art that we may seem to see ourselves more fit than ever to reveal our innermost selves

it is with the good thoughts that delay the result that which we always have to feel more obliged in the end

it is with the gentleness of birds that flight seems to mismanage the circle that life had tread upon us,

it is with the humility that we find carefulness the great sidekick towards what we see as mere evil thinking

it is with the purpose of doves that we see ourselves more of a result other than a causer of our doubts

it is with the less than portrayal of creatures than ever thought about that we seem to feel the only callousness of a life,

and that life is always ours to be taken and never to be less than to see, as we wish it has to be upon breathless beings untaken away from the only parted grace.


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