I can�t stand the way you make me feel
The sight of you makes ell
I can�t believe I gave you the time of day
Im so very glad im moving far away
You�ll be out of my life
When im away from you my heart feels so joyful
It�s like floating on fluffy clouds
I never needed you to be my friend in the first place
Trust you�ll need me before I need you
Lol so kick rocks I wish you well
Don�t my home phone or my cell
When the world swallows you up don�t expect me to care
Because the way you treat me is unfair
Your heart is a huge black piece of ice!!!!!!!!
I got what I wanted from you but yet you think im nice
Please that�s just my way of getting over people like you
It always works in my favor
I love watching others do all my hard core work and labor
You may think im dingy people may call me slow
But at the end of the day you can kiss my ass and go
I have no remorse so get mad cause I don�t care
I know what I want and get it well
I hate that just because you a man you think you can treat me bad when you�re around
Aren�t gone pick you up when I leave to charlotte so miss me a little when im gone