I may not be good enough to be in your life anymore
but i used to be. You've forgotten me, forgotten times,
washed up memories. It means the world to me but
nothing to you even after everything that we built
and the structures we kept alive. While I'm still trying
to build, you're letting this all die. I know I'm wasting
my time, but I could waste all the time in the world
and I still wouldn't mind. Time is all I've got, and I
don't have you here in my life to listen and talk
the way we used to talk. I could vent to you for hours
on end.. but thats just it- the end is the end
and this is the end of who I've been and I've
got no more spine left for you to bend because
I gave that all up the day that you gave up on
being my friend. Don't promise that you'll always
be here for me if you plan on walking away