
by rachael   Aug 3, 2011

Sweeps me hard, fast, into rapids of hostility
My skin ablaze, burning red hot
Frenzied memories; flurries of fury,
Swarm, induce, sustain my seething
No explanations, No excuses,
No remorse, No forgiveness
Giving myself to you I disappeared
The girl, bright eyed and rosy cheeked, is gone
Swallowed by your lust and abandoned by the same
A shadow, shell - pallid and pitiable, remains
Ruined by your dissimulation,
Irreparably damaged, broken, withered and weary
Luster, longing, love;
All obviated in the chaos of your wake
Dismembered, disenchanted, disillusioned, and destroyed.
No self to cling to, numb and distant, apathetic
But hatred; rolling, boiling disdain,
All I have, all you left is the hate
Fire of love, of passion,
All-consuming, consumed all
Once yours, hopeful, trusting, innocent and pure
No more
Full of youthful adoration, idolization and devotion.
No more
Beneath the thin veil of pale skin is ash, pain
Something else once; a spark, a glow; now extinguished
Do you remember?
Your sweet slippery tongue,
Thick with promises, ladled with persuasions,
False pretenses
Loving embraces, so intense, so convincing,
So deceptive
The ruse, now unmistakable, in hindsight is obvious
Remnants, proof, of those who came before,
Those you devoured,
Prior conquests leave hidden scars
Indelible stains of the misery you inflicted,
Forged by tears of their unfulfilled dreams
Retained in layers crusted to a fiendish heart
My coat not yet dry, you prey anew.
Silent hunter: nescient quarry.
Caress the new creature; so soft, so gentle
Does she remind you of me?
Look deep into her eyes
Can you see my despair?
Whisper your beautiful lies into her hungry, eager ear
Is there an echo?
Whisk her away to her fantasy,
Your fallacy, your masterful deceit
I was once ingenuous too
Enamored by the shiny facade
Enraptured by your misrepresentations
Distracted by the apparition
Lost in my infatuation
Ignorant of the villain lurking behind feigned tenderness
You feasted, siphoned off what you needed,
All of the best of me ,
Then left behind your venom and vitriol
To love you is to succumb to the succubus
To be drained
Poor fools ensnared in your trap are doomed
Unaware of the danger, naive of your cunning
We step to the edge as you guide and assure.
Pushed, not fallen, into the chasm of your fake love
Tumble into oblivion, fall into nothingness; lost
Obsidian black, cold as death, absorbed into the void
Vast, empty, lonely, inescapable; eternal
I know now, too late, the dark truth; your secret
You cannot give, or be given love,
You are the abyss: Love falls into you
Never to emerge


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  • 13 years ago

    by BlueJay

    Wow! This is filled with so much emotion! It is relatable and magnificently written! Wonderful job!