Guide Me

by Rusheena   Aug 7, 2011

Are You trying to tell me something?

Is that why You're getting rid of all of the distractions in my life?

Is that why You're clearing the decks and cleaning out the clutter?

Should I be listening for a message right now?

I'm looking for You, but my vision is still out of focus

My eyesight is getting better, so I'll keep readjusting my lenses until I can see You clearly

I know it's not fair to ask You to wait up for me, but can You?

I'll catch up this time; I'll meet You halfway. Just don't leave me behind

I'm really going to follow You this time; I really mean it

I know You're around here somewhere, but I can't quite hear Your voice like I use to

It doesn't sound the same, but I'll clean out my ears better this time.

Just keep talking so I can follow Your voice

I think You're trying to lead me somewhere, and I won't even lie, I won't have any choice but to follow blindly

But I'll follow nonetheless; just don't leave me behind

Just keep telling me whatever it is that I need to hear

I don't understand You know, but I'll figure it out

Just stay close just in case I get lost again, okay?


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