omggggg you made me feel LIKE dammit.... what the hell...ughhhhh grrrrrr baghhhhh muhhhhh sheeeeeeshshhhh DUH!
this was SO well-written....held the softest not softest BUT the deepest emotions everr
and it was REALLY deep! like amazingly brilliantly deeppp
shu l fare2 been charmed? w charming? eno hai maf3ool w hai fa3el?? i forgot these stuffff LOL omgg i should go get some sleep now.
now. Let's talkk about the poem..
bas liki b7yat rabbek mtel ma tfa2na huh? LOL
- - -
Every time I banish your face
off my head something holds
your most sensual fondness
back to the key of my sense
of comprehension
you're trying to pull him away but the more you try the more you fail!? GREAT awesomeness fantastic! :) I loved this but...well you could write this in a more metaphoric way..?? :/ WELL yes! tfa2na bala suggestions...silly me! :P
I LOVED the insertion of "fondness" KTIR like it was really sounded good to me and it was soft! mish soft w bas ...bel 3ks way so smooth :)
and I with
my best foolish and least witless
emotions journey for hours
thinking of you.
I REALLY love this!
witless and foolish are the same thing ma hiki???
no suggestions
Though you chain my strength by
the peaceful kindness you charm
my whole being with,
bas here are lots of compliacted pictures...not complicated but like you said at first "you chain my strength" and "charm my whole being" by the same exact thing! eno it was overdone wallah ! sorry hai ma fini eskot 3anna..:P
and the minutes
of significant silence that you present
with gracious warmth.
But you might never comprehend
how much I love you, nor understand
the madness of my irrational emotions
because for me love needs a reason
the least, yet requires courage the most...
I loved how in the first line you said it directly and honestly HIK b kol jor2a and finally! after years of fear and dunno what...Nana you are a warrior...:)
love requires courage I agree!
FIVE and ohh I love itttttt mwa
13 years ago
by RSJ
Your poetry puts anything I'd say to shame
Enuf said. 5/5
Ps: Hayde 3eni sa7?
And the minutes
of significant silence that you present
with gracious warmth.
^These spoke to me the most. I feel this way sometimes also, spending time with someone you have feelings for and perhaps just looking at each other in silence and not saying anything at all speaks volumes just as much as their words charm you.
Very beautiful emotions here, you seem pretty smitten by him. It's a lovely feeling for sure. ;)