by Saerelune
"I liked the way the title is a vague image, while the poem itself focuses on the details of this image. It's a clever way of taking advantage of a title, especially because this poetry form restricts the amount of words that you're allowed to use. The poem begins with an almost microscopic view, then it broadens and ends into the expansiveness of a sea. I liked this because the broadness of the zoomed-out ending is coherent with the broadness of the title. It's a pity that the ghosts and trees prevent this idea from going gradually. These two images disrupt the serenity of this piece. The reader is suddenly forced to focus on something compact or unnatural, just to be thrown back into the serenity of the seas and snow. The poet tried to say too much in such a short form. I found it difficult to rank this poem so low, since it follows the rules of the form perfectly, but the downside of following rules is that it restricts us." |
by Sunshine
MAN.....I think the way we read poetry differs, i cant agree with Mera luna this time, tho i understand her point of view, just dnt agree :( |
by Sunshine
Ok.. i meant to say, chills given by the images.... |
by Melpomene
Sibs, just posting my review from the contest. |