
by Paul Gondwe   Aug 13, 2011

All the joy we shared
Gone like mid summer rain
Though gone
I still feel the pain

I feel empty when am alone
It stings like a bee
Without you I cannot be

I have filled buckets upon buckets
My eyes dry
Cries do not help
But they bring me closer to you

Each time I try to stop
I think about the first time we met at the shop
The first time I said hello
In your sweet voice you answered like an angel singing carol

Your memories will not fade
I loved to be cared
I loved to be cherished
But what you did got me scared
I suffered to win your heart
I regret but I can not forget
They say love is sacrifice
Curse the first day I met you

Why did i?
I would prefer to be blind
So as not to see your picture
Hanging in my room

How could you?
You are heartless
You have torn my heart
Left me in a condition
A condition that is heartache


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  • 12 years ago

    by Wicked Ways

    Yup, thats the definition of heartache :( its a really painful thing to go through but you gotta remember that everyone goes through and gets through somehow. . sad write but you penned it well. i liked the style :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Lofallenve

    Heartache indeed is the most painful condition. Being there is no pill you can pop, no cure you can use to make it go away. Beautiful and sad..

  • 12 years ago

    by marina14

    This is good heartbreaks are hard to get over untill u meet the one that is right for

  • 13 years ago

    by sniper

    I love this poem, so emotional..

  • 13 years ago

    by sniper

    I love this poem, so emotional..

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