
by Paul Gondwe   Aug 13, 2011

A girl of impeccable beauty
Mesmerizing eyes
With a heavy heart

Am hoping to find my missing rib
A girl with a high class
White dazzling eyes
Sweet big lips

These are all but my hopes
To find a girl that is true
A girl to love
Bring me joy
Someone I would love to have

My life is in despair
I have searched and am yet to find
Hoping for a girl that is kind
Though hard to find
I will search in all places
Let it be exotic, foreign or even forbidden land


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  • 13 years ago

    by sun spots

    Hello Paul. Hope you find that girl.

  • 13 years ago

    by Lofallenve

    I love the last line of this poem. :) I donno why, but it just speaks volumes to me. <3 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness


    What a wonderful poem

    Am hoping to find my missing rib
    A girl with a high class
    White dazzling eyes
    Sweet big lips
    Talking about a missing rib, even though you have not yet met this person, they're already a part of you, of who you are

    Let it be exotic, foreign or even forbidden land
    You will go to the ends of the earth if need be to find your true love

    An amazing write


  • 13 years ago

    by Innocent Fairy

    Wow nice lovely poem I loved it very good an awesome read great job :) 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by onceinabluemoonx

    I really liked the missing rib part, it is a great metaphor that I have never heard before. Very original

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