Patience, Love Waits

by Soulful Ensemble   Aug 15, 2011

I'm sorry when I'm not the best
But I really want to pass this test
And I never want to take a rest
Until I leave you impressed.

Sometimes I feel so distressed
When old habits are hard pressed
But I try and try, with no rest
Because I love you, and love's a quest.

And I dream we cuddle in the night
With my heart sitting just upright
Feeling loved and with affection
Until the light of day shows resurrection.

Monthly, time is slowly passing
But I'm still by your side, laughing
With sweet thoughts of good fortune
For the future passing slow like torture.

I say patience, love waits
Even through the worst days.
You're sweet with little things
And I dream you'll be like that with me.

I hope my hardest, with a prayer
And look to feed your every want
by offering myself to you forever
And pampering you all the time.

What else can I do
To get a smile out of you?
I'll keep thinking through
All the options, old and new.

I feel lonely and I need you
To return love that I gift.
I'm going through hard times
And I could use a little lift.

I want us to love
Like this day is our last.
Because you never know
And time goes by so fast.


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