You stand before me
Eyes big and dark
With a Skinny body
I have kept you away from me
But blood is what you need
As iam nothing you want
And iam the only who won't scream
Or try to run
Because I know better than that
If I run my blood with get pumping
It will taste great
So I hold my breath
And you grab my arm
Then bite down hard
You quickly back away
My blood is bitter
But I'm losing my focus
Either way I'm going to faint
So I open my mouth
And start to breath
You come back again
But the look in your eyes
Tells me something is wrong
You hiss at me
Then disappear and leave
I knew what was happening
I lost to much blood
And now you have to wait
I don't want you to die
I just want you to find another snack
Because honey I'm no snack pack.