The Burning

by Aireus Kayne   Aug 16, 2011

Rain rain come today.
Wash all of this blood away.
It's coating me and all my things.
It's in my eyes and them it stings.
I grow bored with these simple sheep.
I want a trophy,
a kill worth keep.
New ways to kill
My only thrill.
The hunt remains lackluster.
I give them chances.
I give them weapons.
Still no excitement to muster.
I find no anger kindled,
once the deed is done.
The burning stays infernous
always needing another one.
The fire ever hungry
It burns beyond belief.
I've tried to starve it out,
yet never any relief.
this all consuming blaze,
Alit my very soul.
Now I stand here burning.
Never again to be whole.


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