
by Aireus Kayne   Aug 16, 2011

Heaven smiles above me.
Hell's mouth opens wide.
Judgment comes, for I have died.
I know not my resting place,
or my torment should it be the other race.
The nephilim mocked my ending.
The family didn't cry.
I wouldn't have shed a tear.
For we all must surely die.
The reaper takes me to Judgment,
whom sits upon his throne.
All leave his sanctuary.
'Tis he and I alone.
He looks into my heart.
He looks into my mind.
He looks into my life.
He looks so hard I wonder if he's blind.
He then looks into my eyes.
My windows to the soul.
He has two blackened voids,
which seem to swallow me whole.
Deeper into his eyes I plunge,
as he lunges into mine.
He has no soul I realize.
There is nothing for me to find.
He pulls his essence out of me,
his assessment is finished.
He gives no expression on his face,
as if my hopes and fears not to diminish.
"Doomed and damned." his verdict is.
But not to hell with me.
Not to heaven either.
His cruel verdict I begin to see.
"A Walker." I'm deemed,
a soul no longer with a name.
And in limbo shall I forever walk,
and in limbo forever remain.


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