Glass Cage

by Aireus Kayne   Aug 16, 2011

My mind I've kept caged in this house of glass
Trying to keep it under constant watch and check.
I've really been good.

You are hucking rocks at my mind.
Your only protection you're trying to wreck.
You fool.

Crack. Crack. Crrrrack.
The glass will soon break.
I didn't choose for it to be this way.

One more rock it is all it will take.
And until it's over
Once it's out it can't be put away.

You may have started it.
You may not have let it just simply die.
But you better believe on your life.
That I'm no longer standing by.

Time to show me your anger.
Time to show me your fight.
You thought it had been going your way.
But it never even started until tonight.


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