The Parable of the Lambs of the Slaughter

by Aireus Kayne   Aug 17, 2011

Lambs of the slaughter.
Not TO the slaughter.
OF the slaughter.
A shepard comes and removes them from danger.
After being removed, they finally realize the danger they were in.
Back into safe pastures they go for the night.
Before the night is over,
In fact, it's barely yet begun.
The shepard awakens to the bleating.
He rushes out to the scene that is repeating.
Back into the acknowledged danger they go
How many times must he save them?
Yet again he does against perilous strain.
Each time he does it's at his cost of pain.
He is growing tired.
Back to the safety he herds them
Away from the neighbors deathtrap of a barn.
Back to sleep he goes.
This pattern continues.
A few months go by.
He awakens yet again to the bleating.
Another sleepless night repeating.
They made it to the barn tonight.
Much to their delight.
And then the lightning struck.
The barn is up in flames.
The bleating is loud, frantic, and almost sounds
of screams as the fire begins to cover them.
The shepard simply whispers,
I've shown you the path all along.'
He stands expressionless in silent indifference
As they all run burning until they collapse.



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