Choices Made

by Aireus Kayne   Aug 17, 2011

Few understand my madness.
Fewer understand me.
Many know not my reasons.
Many know not me.
Portrayed as the villian.
Yet this fits me.
If you could see my reasoning.
If you could see what I do.
If you could see how I can see.
If you only knew.
I am not nearly all knowing.
I make mistakes for sure.
But I'm rather well informed.
I'm just ahead of the curb.
Some choices I choose that you may never.
Some choices I make you do not understand.
Yet these choices are mine to make.
I make them. Good and bad.
Ask the few to whom my reasoning is shown.
Ask them about me.
I may appear to be a villian.
But I am saving more than me.
You can believe whatever you wish.
I care not that you do.
But if you wish to know me.
First speak to those whom do.
Allow them to insight you on my reasonings.
Or I'll simply run you through


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