Rhyme of the Ancient Stowaway

by Aireus Kayne   Aug 17, 2011

Rhyme of The Ancient Stowaway

Our sails are burnt, our masts are broke
But the storm is finally gone
Our ship was spun and tossed and turned
Don't even know what water I'm on
I came aboard a stowaway, so that I could pause my life
Running from the law I was
I didn't do it. 'Ee fell on my knife.

Half the crew was lost it was
While I was in the brigg.
The storm it got 'em. Swept away
Killin ain't my kind of gig
The cap'n lashed to 'is wheel 'ee was
But of course I didn't know
I was in the brigg you see
A crewman told me so.

We have hit the shore at least
But 'ere comes the constable
Ee's shoutin at me frantic and loud
But I just can't make it out
They leave me in my prison cell
And go inspect the ship
Now they're back and I see a quiver in their lip.

They call me names and call me sick
A monster I believe
I don't know why I think to myself
As one begins to heave
"What happened!?" they ask. "What happened?!!" They scream
Right into my ear. "I don't know,"
I reply calmly, "the whole trip I've been in here."

They rip me out of my cell
I'm shackled from head to toe
"Come on you pig!" They scream at me,
"To the gallows you know go!"
"For what!!?" I scream As I struggle with my bonds
"For the monstrosities you've committed,
on this ship that you've been on."

"I know nothing of these accusations,
of which you seem so sure."
"Then let's take a little walk.
and your memory we'll cure."
So back I'm hauled onto the ship
of which off I was cast
And now I see the monstrosities of which they spoke at last.

"Get up you beast!" they shout at me
As I buckled at my knees
"Do you faint at the sight,
of your own atrocities?"
I looked and saw a crewman pinned underneath a mast
This was reasonable until you saw his ankles slashed.

And hung across the helm there hung
Six crewmen in a row.
There were cuts across their chest and face
From where their life did flow.
And looking closer I took notice
Much to my surprise. That someone took the time enough
To cut out all their eyes.

Deeper into the ship we went
to the galley where we found the cook,
looking rather grotesque
Crucified to the wall
With his own knives
His mouth was stuffed with wormy bread
And maggots came out his eyes.

Now we're heading to the racks
Where dead sailors lay
The putrid smell of their own death
The smell of their decay.
Their stomachs cut open,
And around their throats their chords
Strangled by their own intestines, hung to the rafter boards.

Now to the bilge we plunged
Deeper and deeper within
Hung by their ankles upside down
This was evil sin.
Their heads just below water,
and puke and vile filth
They drown in their own urine.

Back on top deck
Here we go
To the long boat what a show!
A few escapees goin to shore
gonna row row row
what a bore
but without hands how do you use an oar?

Up to the crows nest
An immobile man
Tied at hands and neck
So he had to stand.
It's not so far the way the crow flies
Until the crow comes in
And plucks out your eyes...

So off they take me
To the dungeon, the jail
All the while murmuring I'll burn in Hell
They can't prove it me
I was in the brigg
I already mentioned
Killin' ain't my kind of gig

Funny they didn't notice
when they threw me in here
The door didn't latch how terribly queer.
The same thing happened
Earlier on the ship, I think I just get on that one there
And take another trip...


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