Have I Told You???

by Robert Gardiner   Aug 21, 2011

Have I Told You???

Rainy days, they're not as gloomy anymore.
The ordinary, with you, it's not such a bore.
Have I told you???

If I said I loved you, would it come as much of a surprise?
Have I told you dearest, how much, you enrich my life?
Have I told you, lately, "Your Beautiful", because I think it, everyday?
I always think, how Blest I am, even if I don't say.
You Have My Affection, Adoration, Affinity.
Do you know, just how much, you mean to me?
Have I told you???

Although, everyday, I might not say it, the feeling, it is, always, there.
So, of my love, never worry, because, for you, it'll, always, be here.
Have I told you???

When you're not with me, thoughts, of you, fill my mind,
I exist, just dormant, awaiting, our time.
Although, I might seem vibrant, like there's life, inside of me,
It's the thought of you that allow me the energy
To do what I need to do.
I make it through life, because, I know, I'll get to be there with you,
Once I get life out of the way.
I think of that, and it gives me the energy
To carry on, in whatever I might need to do.
I love you, Most Dearly. My Dear, have I told you???

Robert Gardiner

As Always, your comments and votes greatly appreciated, thank you!!!


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  • 12 years ago

    by rachael

    This is beautiful! I loved it, well written

  • 12 years ago

    by Tammy

    Quite the romantic you are. Hope your lady knows how lucky she is to have someone feel this way about her. Lots of women out in the world would almost kill to hear such beautiful words from their man.
    Loved the write!!

  • 12 years ago

    by Rebecca Bentley

    Brilliantly written and a very powerful piece 5/5

  • 12 years ago


    A nice poem Robert!

    ..and yes, us men are (or should be!) truly in awe of women, for they are indeed the most beautiful thing in this world to gaze at.

    Your poem puts this very well.

  • 12 years ago

    by East Poetry

    I came across your poetry as I see we are in the same club on this site, I read your profile and must say, I am a little intrigued by your adoration for woman, it does (for me) come across as a touch over kill, I don't know, you might want to be aware of that, but I will agree with you on the topic none the less, Woman are the most amazing creatures on this earth. After reading this first poem of yours I will say... I am impressed, it was a well thought out poem and I'm sure a woman would absolutely love it. I see that you took care to make it rhyme. I always appreciate rhyme in a poem. I thought it interesting your use of so many commas, it did sort of add a unique rhythm to the reading of it. My only critique was that at times I got de-railed and I lost this rhythm. Over all a great poem. looking forward to reviewing a few more.