When you think of me

by believeinlove87   Aug 26, 2011

When you think of me,
i hope it makes you smile,
i hope you miss me,
what we once had.

When you think of me,
please don't ever forget,
that I'll always love you,
that no matter what you're in my heart.

Remember the memories,
the good laughs we had,
the time we spent together,
our promises we made,
the future we planned out,
don't forget.

When you think of me,
never doubt our love was real,
always know i gave all my heart to you,
you once were my other half,
you at one time were the air i breathed,
don't forget I'm the girl on your wrist.

When you think of me,
remember you let me go,
i never walked away,
i fought till i couldn't anymore,
till i had to give up saying goodbye,
remember i told you I'll love you forever.

even though you're out of my life,
there's a special place inside my heart,
when you think of me,
i hope that love burns deep,
your eyes fill up with tears,
you smile a huge smile.

When you think of me,
i hope you regret letting me go,
i hope you miss me more then anything,
when you think of me,
you ended things not me.


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  • 13 years ago

    by Anelsi

    I like, it its so true that when a relationship ends it will never be forgetten it will alwasys be in youre thoughts:)