I sculpt the eternal Heavens
with the palm of my hand,
a home for the moving saints.
Imagining an changeable world
before judgement's reward,
I think skillfully,
a wary earth established.
I gaze at the emptiness
lurking around dark corners,
I pronounce light
and so there is
Black shadow- night
New hope- day.
I am pleased
for all is good,
but I have just begun.
A majestic dome
needs to separate waters
from above and below.
I place this foundation
as a guiding memorial,
this open airway
I shall name the skies.
Peaceful and serene
for I make only
what is righteousness
and sufficient to all.
I am joyous,
but there is more.
Tides are far
and spread rapidly;
I combine each body
filling the chasm
with liquid life.
This sea cries out,
resonating my word.
I whisper dry land
to round out earth,
mossy grass and
beneficial plants
the fruitful bedding.
I am spirited
for birth is here,
but still not done.
Time runs unmarked
season after season,
years immeasurable.
I illuminate the sky
and breathe a mission
onto two worthy shapes.
One will direct evening
the other will brighten day.
I dot twilight atmosphere
with exultant stars,
encouraging radiance
from a soft voice-
they shine endlessly.
I am happy
for splendor inspires,
soon it will be complete.
I hear no deliverance,
void space unsettles me.
Commanding the sea,
a deluge of grace,
and motivating the sky,
a treasure of glory,
I form creatures.
Birds swoop high,
mighty wings
flying the message over
that their creator
shall be praised.
Underwater beings
dive obediently,
exploring depth.
I ask them to multiply
and keep what I gave.
I am delighted
for motion extends,
almost satisfied.
Domestic beasts
and blessed animal
of every known species
inhibit sturdy habitat.
I breathe instructions
so they listen,
understanding purpose.
I save the greatest gift
my soul can author,
precious humanity.
I make them
in my perfect image,
granting a humble heart
and a guideline for living.
Their word becomes mine.
I am done,
everything in place
moral and beautiful.
This last day
I declare pure and holy
for blessed is this journey
from the low lands
to the soaring skies,
I have narrated
a new beginning.
Declaring in our Lord's name
my ancestors admire ,
these beloved children
honoring fulfilment.
Eons will contribute
and add chapters
to the very story of life.