Sick of humanity

by Yakari Gabriel   Aug 28, 2011

Sometimes I close my eyes.
not because I want to,
or because I am sleepy
But because human beings tire
my eyelids,and I can't no longer bare
this weight humanity has planted upon my shoulders.

I bow down my head,
to silently ponder..
how absurd we have become,
or not just become..
but how absurd we always have been.

If only we could push aside statistics and all of that we so proudly claim to know..
wouldn't we find something that we DON'T know?..
to look beyond labels and brands.

I'm so sick of you humanity..
with your lies and discoveries
and the believe that you,
you humanity,
are god.

I'm sick of being a part of you,
to witness how you build up only to destroy once again.

I love life,
But I detest you.



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  • 13 years ago

    by nouriguess

    Yakiiiii I got the meaning of this! you are a goddess XD good work, bravo!!!

  • 13 years ago

    by Britt

    I like the repetition of humanity here. I thought it played an interesting role in the poem and wasn't overdone. It very much reminded me of something that you would read aloud, more so a poem meant to be heard than just read! :)

    "I love life,
    But I detest you."

    I love this wrap up to the ending. Very strong!

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