I love you

by Chey Boogie   Sep 3, 2011

I look up at the pitch black sky .
Watching the stars soar fast passing by .
Alot of time passes by as I cry .
But when it time to express how I feel I get shy .
Laying down thinking to myself .
I wonder who can I ask for help .
Trying to let the drama pass crying, thinking, as I ask why do you have to be such a a** .


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  • 13 years ago

    by believeinlove87

    -Trying to let the drama pass crying, thinking, as I ask why do you have to be such a a** -

    Love this part. asking why the person you love is such a prick & why you always stay even when they make u cry.
    The poem showed the emotion so well, loved it, short but right to the point.
    Not knowing who to turn to for help, not wanting to cry & wishing that he wasnt a jerk.

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