Comments : Rhythm.

  • 13 years ago

    by Brittany C

    Beautiful poem. Nicely written. It is a good length. The wording is good and imagery is nice. I see nothing worth fixing.

    i gave it a 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by Jenni

    [There's no one quite like you]...

    ^ I think this is a really powerful start for a poem, because its message is really strong and it somehow seems as if the speaker prefered not to say it, there seems to be a bit of doubt and maybe disbelief. I definitely enjoyed it and it made me really curious and captivated me. I'm actually glad that I was able to find this verse more than once in the poem because it underlines its importance.
    I loved the flow of this piece because it was so smooth just like the breeze of the wind or something swaying in the wind, it fit to the poems context really well.
    The message is really strong and I actually enjoyed reading this poem of yours because the emotions are really heartfelt and they seem honest and pure.

  • 13 years ago

    by Gaby

    Very Nice. =)