Comments : Mail from Sri Lanka

  • 13 years ago

    by Saerelune

    "You made me see the beauty
    of the sky, that muffles us,
    because though it is ubiquitous
    it still offers freedom;"
    ^ I enjoy the serenity of your tone here, although the word "ubiquitous" seems a bit unfitting with all these simple and soft sounding words around it. Any other synonyms seem too long to fit with the flow, though, so I understand your choice.

    "shared the idea of mountains
    being decoration of the nature,
    just like everybody has
    rough edges."
    ^ I suggest removing the "the" before "nature". Also, I am not sure how the last two lines connect with the previous ones. I know that these "rough edges" are both referring to one's personality and the mountain, but there's a bridge lacking here. Otherwise, I do like this clever comparison.

    "Wind cannot be seen
    but felt, just like our intuition
    leading us and giving hints
    for us to follow."
    ^ The problem with this poem is that things aren't tied together. Of course they do when you read the last stanza, but while we readers haven't reached that last stanza, it feels like you're jumping too much from one image to the other. Something that might help to keep up listing things yet focus on the main concept, is the use of repetition.

    For example, you could say something like:
    "I did not see the wind
    that ran through the streets
    and elephant-tails
    of your country,
    because it can only be felt
    like our intuition
    leading us, and giving hints
    for us to follow."
    ^ I know that the flow doesn't fit with your poem right now, and that this idea doesn't match with your emotions, but I'm just trying to let you see that, if you use just one word from the previous and next stanza, things would be connected so much easier.

    Of course you have to change the elephant-stanza a bit if you decide to include some of it in this one.

    There's nothing much to nitpick in the rest of your poem. I like the way you always take something concrete/graspable, and add some spirituality to it.

    The mention of a postcard at the end of your poem is nice, because until reading it I had no idea what to think of your title in connection with your poem. The last three lines are simple and direct, perhaps not really poetic, but I can feel the strength of it, because it contains respect to the one who sent you this postcard.

    Well done. :)

  • 13 years ago

    by nouriguess

    Jennifer, Luna said everything I wanted to. See? I wasn't kidding you when I said that you are improving, because you are improvin, indeed and this is obvious especially in this mature simple write, you really amazed me.

    Good work.

  • 13 years ago

    by Cinnamonspice

    Maybe there was a few things that could have been different ,rather it would make it better or not I think is opinion of the reader. I enjoyed it very much, I think you're a wonderful talent .


  • 13 years ago

    by Brittany C

    "elephant" stanza seems to be a little out of place. Other then that I like it. The wording was good and it flowed nicely from beginning to end.

    I gave it a 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by The Poet Behind The Poems

    Awesome!!!!!!!!!! i loved this so much jenni havnt seen a title like this i loved stuff unique n diffrent i thought you worded it very well maybe few things could be diffrent but like connie said it does depend on the reader very well written x

  • 13 years ago

    by BlueJay

    Yep you are imoroving this is so nagnificent. I love it so much and you really have done an extraodinary job as it has,been said begore there is no need to restate all the magnificent tecniques you have used in this piece.

  • 13 years ago

    by xoxShorteexox

    The ending really tied the title into the poem, but I have done the same thing not really tied the title into the poem until the end. I definitely see your improvement from reading these older poems to reading your newer ones, Jenni. :D

