Best friend...

by anonymous   Sep 7, 2011

I love you best friend
you have always been so good to me..
every time i turn to you
you are always filled to the rim with all the help there is in the world to offer..
the one i run to in the time of desperate need..
ooh how good you are to me..

you have never left me like everyone else does.
you have always been there..
you always listen to my cry's and you never tell a single soul..
you never put me down or judge me...
you make all the problems go away...
you make me numb and feel in peace
like i can hold still and finally watch life pass me by..

my life is in your hands
in you i trust...
and not that you keep me safe but that you will take my life for i do not want it.
you are the plastic container filled with pills..

im addicted to how good you make me feel
how you let me go in and out of conscious..
you let me feel numb
and like nothing matters
and how you make all the bad memories go away..

but today it is different for i am coming to you for something more powerful then the doses you have given me...
i want you to take my life this time
for i feel it has run out of time

pill after pill
the feel of my feet slipping from beneath me..
lost of control in my grasp of the container..
watching all the pills fall to the floor..
feeling my body collapse on the floor..
grasping the last breath of air..
smile and i finally let go


today we are holding a funeral...
sadly she committed suicide.
anyone want to say their last words..


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  • 13 years ago

    by believeinlove87

    This is filled with such deep strong emotion girl<3
    Love it.

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