Comments : ONE in the SAME

  • 13 years ago

    by L

    I'm sorry, your poem is way too long.

    I was reading but there were fragments or rather stanzas that seemed redundant.
    I got lost and I couldn't see the message that you wanted to convey.

    But this is what I understood from reading your poem.

    Our mind is a powerful tool and that we can achieve what we want if we just put some effort, also that the world is like a sphere too big or too small for us, it just depends on how we want to see it. IF that sphere is too big then it will takes us more time to find our mate and if its small obviously less time. Also that our mind is like a sphere we can think and think without stopping. Its just infinite.

    I also thought that you were referring to goodness and badness in the world. When you refer to black and white. How the black abounds and that the white can be spread faster only if we want. Meaning the good deeds we do can spread faster if only everyone will start doing what is right.

    I have to say that i did enjoy some rhymes.

  • 13 years ago

    by East Poetry

    One day... a far time from now perhaps
    ... someone will fully grasp my poems.

  • 13 years ago

    by L

    Occams razor says it's so,
    shortly put, it's a philosophy, in that.
    "The simplest truth is always the truth",
    even if it's not a fact.

    ----So the author is saying that the simplest explanation is probably the right one. but it doesn't mean that it has to be.

    Thus base on having to go throughout this poem that is complicated the reader can depict base on the author's own words that this piece is not a right one because its just too complex( as in long and deviates the readers focus) and not simple because its just keeps going on loops.

    Now if the author is referring to the words "One in the same" then that is simple and thus the reader can think that indeed God and jesus are one in the same. But he clearly stated in this stanza that we should understand what we want. Thus everyone will have a different opinion.

    "An interesting concept,
    whether or not it could be true.
    So take from it what you wish,
    it's really up to you."

    As for me the sphere was our one's EYE. The black is at the center and the white outside. When someone is in a state of trans, the white abounds and the black is hidden. Thus we can meditate and see what we can't see when we are in a normal state of life. Thus we can search for god, and when we are back to the the normal state our mind is clearer and so are our thoughts. We just have to look deeper and thinking deeper so we can understand this mystery of one in the same. God and jesus christ and how the world works.

  • 13 years ago

    by East Poetry

    I deeply thank you for reading and reviewing a few of my poems.

    this poem must have put you in a trance im afraid... did it make your eyes turn white and roll to the back of your head. lol Im just kidding.

    Your right this is a very long poem. and Occams Razor is about simplicity. But to understand a very simple concept at least in this case it is very complicated, thus the long
    poem. Thank you so much for reading it.

    Yes... this is definitely a "take from it what you wish poem" But I will say... if you can stay tuned into it and not become de-railed, there is a very solid principle I am trying to get across here. One that does answer what one in the same could mean and tell us how the world works as you state in the last portion of your comment.

    I would never say that this poem is a fact of truth, nor would I say that about any of my poems on the topic. What I will say is that it very well could be truth, because it does conform to Occams Razor, and 9 time out of 10 Occams Razor is the right answer.

    Perhaps one day someone will grasp the true depth of this poem, Yes it's very long, but you must stay grounded while reading it to understand what it is teaching. Based off your description on the whole... you were de- railed early on. I do not blame you for this, If anything I blame me. It may take a special type of person to really get this poem and my others, a person like me. One who is extremely fascinated with Creation Ex Nehilo (or Creation out of nothingness)

    You may consider reading these other poems of mine and then come back to read "one in the same" again.

    The Infinity of Matter
    The First Particle
    The most fundamental OZ
    The Cause
    Infinite Sound
    What is Gravity?
    Sound is a conundrum
    Existence is a bead of light (full version)
    Perfect chaos
    A Perfect Circle
    Matter and Gravity

  • 13 years ago

    by L

    This poem must have put you in a trance im afraid... did it make your eyes turn white and roll to the back of your head. lol Im just kidding.


    Haha, Nop. I was trying to make a connection with the sphere and the white and the black and my first thought was an EYE. It's like a sphere and it has white and the black is the pupil. When we are sleeping we sort of see black first and when we are awake the blackness is gone hence it flips. That was my sillies thought. Haha. My thinking is that if I can understand what those symbolize then I would be able to understand more the poem. I also thought that reading your previous poems will give me hints thus I review two of your beginning poems. I haven't have the time to sit and look at them but I will though. I'm taking this poem's meaning as a challenge. Lol. So please don't tell me any hint.

  • 13 years ago

    by East Poetry

    To tell you what the black and white represent.
    the best way to do this would be as follows.

    First read my poem Exfinity. It's in the State of Exfinity that this poem "One in the Same", stage is set. At least in the beginning of the poem.
    Yet, in the poem "One in the Same," I liken it to being your mind, empty of everything except your thought. The only thing I ask you to do after that is place the first particle in it.

    The first question you might ask is, Well... what is the shape of the first particle? Occams Razor says its a sphere. So I ask you to imagine a sphere. What do we know of a sphere. Well.. it has an outside and it also has an inside as it sits in this infinite room. All the black and white represents is the Geometric or physical difference between the two realms. where white is the physical essence of the particle you created and black is the inside of its sphere. Physically, the whiteness is a relative particle, meaning it doesn't matter what it is made of, it could be light or it could be even more pure then light. either way... Its the FIRST and PUREST particle as its the first one to arrive on the stage of this empty existence you created. I call it the most fundamental OZ(read that poem) In my theory's that particle is sound. Read my poems about sound. All of these poems are incites into Creatio EX Nehilo or creation out of nothingness. A hot topic to many scientists and theologians. And a favorite topic of mine, it is through my pondering, that I have come to a True absolute belief in God the Father, as I know "He must Exist" or nothing would make sense to me. I am grateful that "at least to myself" I have proved Gods existence, as it gives my life purpose, to be a noble he can trust.

    Did this help or confuse you more?

  • 13 years ago

    by L

    So pretty much this poem is base on the logical principle attributed to the philosopher William of Occam ( or ockham) which states that one shouldn't make more assumptions than the minimum needed or that perfection its simplicity or that the simplest of the explanations is the truth over the complex one's, but that the simplest of explanation by law doesn't have to be the true one and that the complex one shouldn't be count as false just put aside until proven either true or false.

    This principle is often use to prove or disprove the existence of god and many other topics. In this case, The author is trying to argue that God and Jesus are "one in the same" base on this principle.

    "We know they're one in purpose,
    as everyone proclaims.
    But what if in existence itself,
    they're "literally" One "IN" the Same."

    So by this we know that both have the same purpose but the author is trying to say that perhaps in existence they are literally one in the same.
    As I continued reading this piece, I realize that the white in fact is something sort of like outside the universe a parallel world made of light or purity and the black is where we live. The black needed to be created to create a balance when the white was born. The first particle was god. The white is something we cannot understand very well, is the nothingness to me. The topic that make us confuse. I think the author is trying to say that when we are in the white the black just shrinks, and we start understand it more. At first we are a particle of sound create by the first particle which was god, then there is a gate or door in the white to enter the black. That's when we are born, we go through that door, and we are gifted with a body. Later on, we find our soul mate. When we are in the black the white seems to shrink just as when we were in the white the blank shrank to us. Both "worlds" are difficult to understand. Just as difficult to understanding a person, in order to fully understand someone we need to either put ourselves in the shoes of them or be them. That's the similar to understanding the white and the black. Though, one cannot fully understand the black and neither the white even if we want.
    My thinking is that the author wants to think or argue that God and jesus christ are one in the same because of this stanzas from his previous poem "Existence is a bead of light (full version)".

    But alone he could not do this
    Begetting Jesus and his life!
    His son was still created
    on the inside of a wife.

    How? ...well, let us all remember,
    how the book of Genesis did start,
    God found a spirit on the face of
    "the deep" - as completely different part.

    A part where His own spirit,
    "One in same" looked back at him,
    yet He knew that He could govern
    every particle within. (Higgs Field... look it up)

    Jesus could communicate with god through the same spirit. Thus the father, the son and the holy spirit. The mystery of the Trinity.

    So interesting poem.

  • 13 years ago

    by East Poetry

    I am thoroughly... THOROUGHLY... impressed.
    I really like how you went in and read my other poems, even referenced them in your "rather Accurate" understanding of my "One in the Same" Poem.

    I do think that it is the accumulation of many of my writs combined that leads one to a more full understanding of my Ideas and principals.

    Thank you so much you have made my "year"
    I hope you have enjoyed my poems and the in depth pondering and research they have undoubtedly brought upon you. I am flattered that you would go through such lengths to understand the my ramblings. I would like none other than to call you a friend.

  • 13 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    I am glad we have an edit feature because this to me is in a way deeper than Milton's Paradise Lost as I recall

    I will add this to my favorites list and drink some coffe to get on Randy's level and read this again when I don't have a cold

  • 13 years ago

    by East Poetry


  • 13 years ago

    by East Poetry


  • 12 years ago

    by Mello193

    This was awesome. unlike most of the people if read it through. very deep. emotional even, it seems as if you have a better grasp of life and death everything and nothing pretty well. maybe even more then I. your poems are unique to say the least. i wonder how smart you actually are to have written this. this poem astounds me. GREAT job man

  • 12 years ago

    by Kitty Kurse

    This is great! It really told a story and I could see yourself in this poem

  • 12 years ago

    by Paul Gondwe

    This was really long but you wrote it in a way that you were speaking to and talking to the reader.

  • 12 years ago

    by L

    The changes made it a tad more confusing for me as I was not expecting the ending,
    it has been a long time since I read this poem that i don't remember what ending it used to have but I don't think that this one was the one that used to have.

    I mean I was not expecting the part about my son has his own mate... and so this changes what I though about the holy spirit. May be I need to re read it.

    • 12 years ago

      by East Poetry

      No worries

      its a crazy long poem

      I will work on that part to clarify my idea's on it better.

      thx for reading it.
