Shape Poetry::But, My abode as well::

by Lonely Rider   Sep 13, 2011

...........................your castle high and
......................strong, lock the exquisite,
..................sandalwood door, don't let
......... ....breeze claw mahogany decor, acidic
................winds roam the moor, Noxious smoke
............embraces tight, an ethereal heaven's cry,
...........scrounges barren earth, 'Neath scorching
.......cerulean sky, When in howling shadows, glare
.........a starless night,will you repent hiding the
................moon..... ,behind materialistic plight?
.............Marauding lively meadows where will scuttle for cover? Residing in concrete
..................haven ...... breathing .....on.....your
.........................carcinogenic leftovers.
................................This .. world not just
.................................where you
..................................dwell, but Abode as

**Written for a contest - topic was "If trees could talk they would say" -


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Latest Comments

  • 13 years ago

    by Brittany Klein

    Wow, thats a great poem, i love the story behind it and also how you made a shape of a tree for the poem lol

  • 13 years ago

    by vip

    Lovely poem!

  • 13 years ago

    by Cinnamonspice

    You are amazing:-) this is awesome in looks and beautiful in pen. I'm so glad I ran across your work. I have read a few others but haven't commented yet but I surly will


  • 13 years ago

    by Liliana

    Wow I love this so creative :)

  • 13 years ago

    by The Queen

    I think you meant, But My Abode As Well, as the title and not "Above", I dont know I could be mistaken though.

    Wow, I could feel the raging anger of that tree. I love every details in this piece, its word use, format, and the theme behind. Very well written piece, my dear.