Relationship stages...

by Matthew Schut   Sep 15, 2011

Growing up through all the years
Remembering how girls were evil
I wouldn't even want to look at them
Thinking their look would kill

Next I was embarrassed to sit by a girl
I would start to giggle and squirm
Staring at her across the classroom
Watching her eyes and every turn

The next stage was when I held hands
We would sleep by each other during nap
Never wanting to be away from each other
Whenever she spoke in class, I would clap

Then as I got older, I started to date
Trying to decide which one to be with
You need to date as many as you can
I always did hate that myth

Now that I have been through my heartache
I look back at the years that made it so
Why didn't things work out with them
So many questions, I don't really know


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  • 13 years ago

    by believeinlove87

    Amazing poem :).

    Then as I got older, I started to date
    Trying to decide which one to be with
    You need to date as many as you can
    I always did hate that myth
    -love this stanza,so true :)

    This poem pours out emotion and what happens.
    Great Job